about us

This is revolog

Revolog came to life in 2009, when photographers Hanna Pribitzer and me, Michael Krebs, teamed up to work on their diploma project at the photography school they attended.

We were both avid analog photographers and came up with the idea to physically alter 35mm films.  It took us about a year to create 8 different effect films and to found revolog. We tried a lot of different things to get the results we wanted, but still some effects we stumbled upon by luck. Altough we are not producing our films by chance, shooting with our films is always like playing with coincidence.

Over the years we were lucky to see thousands of photos from our community and realized that the coincidence that is inherent in our films opens up a field of infinite possibilities.

If Tesla 1 lets his bolts strike in the perfect place, Lazer cuts through a small gap or Plexus adds an alien mood, it is still always the photographer who makes an awesome photo and revolog film adds the coincidence that gives the picture the certain something.

Nevertheless it also works the other way around, many people choose our films to achieve an extraordinary visual look. 

In 2010, after a year of research the company was founded in which whole production process is still handmade. Over the years we created many new films and we are always working on new Ideas.

Like you can imagine a lot of things happen in almost 14 years, good and bad ones.

A highlight was for sure was to team up with dubblefilm in 2019 and produce their films.

This was followed by 2 years of being almost unable to source films, which makes it kind of hard for a company to exist if you sell films.
But also this time had a good outcome - the 120 films.

Sadly in 2023 Hanna left the company to work on other exciting projects. We are still friends and she sometimes comes to help out.

Although it was hard to replace Hanna, I needed a partner again. Since the beginning of the year I am working with Maria now and am very lucky to have such a great fit with her.

And now we are still producing and trying to get new films out. So stay tuned :)